Thursday, September 15, 2005

...Chua said
...Beauty, ugliness
...They are comparative
...with the absence of either one of them
...non of them carry any weight
...None of them means anything
...They come in pair!
...Tall and short
...Good and bad
...Simple and complicated
...You should be glad
...cos u found and placed yourself
...In an complicated environment
...And bcos of this
...You realised the existen of a "simple life"

...This is for you

...July 2005
...Everything was beautiful
...Wishing you were here

...Thank you Terry
...For such a beautiful picture
...I hope it will bring you
...Happiness too

...I can't take my eyes off you
...I can't take my mind off you
...I can't take my eyes off you
...I can't take my mind off you
...And so it is

...I work on the 21st floor
...Seated next to the window
...I love looking out
...Coz' it always seems
...You're smiling down
...I keep the faith
...I will be strong
...I will carry on

...Missing you again
...Again and again

...Don't be shy
...I can see your light
...Shining bright
...My sunshine

...It's so dark
...Are you feeling down
...Had a bad day?
...Are you crying?
...I am here

...Where are you
...What are you doing?
...It is empty
...Just like how I feel
...When you're not around

...Little by little we grow
...But soon you'll know
...We'll reach touch the sky
...So that you can climb
...To find your dreams
...And wings to fly

...It took me so long
...To put all these up
...And more to come
...A home for the clouds
...A home for those who feel lost
...A home for those who are lonely
...A home for those who wished
...They have a home
...Some place where they belong

...Angel Wings
...If only I have
...To fly to where you are

...Little island
...Which one are you at?
...Can you hear me
...When I call out your name?

...Do you feel lonely?
...Or you're just proud
...Maybe you stand out in the crowd
...Or are you feeling empty?

...Are you hurt?
...Are you angry?
...Are you upset?

...A good friend
...From Thailand
...Took this picture
...In her classroom
...For me
...This pic came with a card
...She drew for my birthday
...A girl
...Holding a balloon
...A red balloon

...Ariff my friend
...An old friend
...Took these for me
...In the States
...One on the heli too

...Rainie my friend
...Took these for me
...When she's studying
...In Australia
...So that I could see
...How her sky looked like
...On the other side

...Skies in Genting
...Snaps of the different moments
...How I tried reaching up
...To see your face

...I love taking pictures of the sky
...Ever since the day I knew you
...It reminds me of you
...Always there for me
...My strengh and inspiration
...To carry on
...And always be strong

...The reason
...I collect sky pictures
...It is a place
...Where I can put my hopes on
...Where I can find peace
...Where I am understood
...Where I find my comfort
...Where I see you

...Someone told me
...That if you miss someone
...Far away
...Just look up the sky
...Then you'll realize
...That it's not really that far
...Because the two of you are still
...Under the same sky